Wednesday 16 October 2013

In the Swing of Things

Hey guys,

I think I am just going to post whenever I get an hour or so to write an entry, rather than only posting on Sundays.

I've been dying to update you all about Nuit Blanche. Last, last Saturday night, I had the opportunity to go to Paris from 5pm - 6:45am Sunday morning to take part in the annual Nuit Blanche festivities. I just want to start out by saying, that night was the coolest, craziest and most adventure filled night of my life and it still feels like it was all just a dream. I cannot decide if sitting at the top of the stairs at the Sacre Coeur at 3am while overlooking the Paris skyline, drinking wine from the bottle by the Notre Dame Cathedral, singing at the top of our lungs on the metro, or making our way to the Louvre and then to the Eiffel Tower grounds at 4am and being the only ones there is my highlight so I am just going to go with the whole night being one huge highlight. After walking more than 12 miles within our 12 hour duration in Paris we were exhausted and all conked out on the train ride home. The art part of Nuit Blanche was exhilarating and we were able to check out so many galleries and exhibits. It was an incredible experience.

The weekend passed by quickly and so did the week. We began to observe in our classes, sorted out our schedules met the students and the teachers. On the Thursday and Friday of that week was devoted to more meetings and then at last, the weekend was here. It was a quiet weekend which was kind of nice for a change and then I finished it up by having crepes and wine at one of the many restaurants on Rue Nationale with my Canadian friend, Ariel.

I've started teaching this week and so far it is been a pretty great experience. I feel like I am still on the right path so that's always reassuring. I only had one bratty class yesterday who wouldn't and couldn't stay still or concentrate for more than two minutes, but I made due. My other classes were all actually pretty amazing considering it was the first time and I am just some random girl from Canada with a "weird" accent. Haha.

These last two Tuesday nights, my roommate Katie and I have hosted a dinner soirée night with some of the other assistants. On our first night, we prepared tacos and then last night we had really yummy ham and cheese savoury crepes! Our guests consist of two girls (Megan and Ariel) from Canada, one girl (Ruby) from Ireland and another girl (Sonya) from Australia... then of course Katie is from the UK and well, ya'll know where I hail from. It is really entertaining to listen to all of our different accents. Tuesday night will always be something to look forward to now as we're making it a tradition.

After this week, I have my first two week break (already!!!) and I think I am going to hop on this mode of transportation called the "Megabus" and ride on over to London and Canterbury in the UK. One of my Education friends from the University of Winnipeg is living in London for the year and then Gimli gal, Holly M. is studying over in the Kent region. I should be a good time. I will update you guys on that when I return.

Hope all is well. Home in just under 70 days for Christmas!!

Love, love,

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