Saturday 11 May 2013

Friends & Thoughts

I thought I would just briefly update you. I've "met" some people who will also be living and working as TAs in the Orleans-Tours region via Facebook. That's why I have written it as "met" as I actually haven't really met them. We've basically just have found each other from the main page on Facebook, "Assistants de langue en France".

So far there are nine of us, which to me, is absolutely wonderful, as that is eight more people that I would have known in the first place. They literally come from all corners of the world, including, Russia, Uruguay, France, Ireland, Canada, and France (just to name a few off the top of my head). We've created a group on Facebook where we've been posting about our home towns, and basically just getting to know each other. The one girl from Canada has been the person I've been talking to the most (it's comforting knowing someone from your own country) and she is really nice and only a year older than I am. It's weird to think that most likely, these people will be my friends while I am overseas. It's really neat putting a name to a face, as well.

Other than that, my anxiety has been acting up a little bit more here and there, and I think it has a bit to do with this grand adventure coming my way in just a few short months. I mean, my mind often has a million things running through it so it's safe to say that I am, indeed, slightly an anxious person as it is, but I know it's a bit more prominent right now, due to a few very new and very different life experiences that I will be having to face once I get to France.

Basically, I've never lived on my own, I've never has to look for a place to live on my own (especially being in a different language that I haven't completely developed), and I've never been so far away for such a long period of time. I will have to open up a bank account and cook, and manage my expenses and it's all a little nerve racking to say the least. I know that I am capable of learning and doing all of these things but for some reason right now it just seems a little scary. That's normal.

There's a quote (ahah if you know me well enough, you know how much I love a good quote) by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and she says, “If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough.” And goodness, if that is not the truth, then I don't know what is because this is exactly how I'm feeling. I've had aspirations of becoming a teacher, travelling and exploring since I can remember and now these things are coming true because I have had the courage to pursue them.

My parents, especially, are starting to realize that often enough, if there is something I really want in life, I will find a way to get it - and not in a spoil-ish kind of way. I truly will work for what I want. When I called my parents and told them about this idea, they weren't even necessarily shocked or hesitant or anything like that. I'm pretty sure my mom's response was something along the lines of, "But you won't be here to celebrate Christmas, or your birthday" haha. The support was there which made it even more possible.

Thanks for reading and I hope I'm not boring you to death with my rambles. :)

Love, love always,